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Passenger Experience Platform

Elevating passenger experiences at Schiphol

Passengers will always have questions once they are at the airport, no matter how well they are prepared and how good the wayfinding is. That’s why Schiphol developed the Passenger Experience Platform. A platform which passengers can access via kiosks or their mobile phones providing flight info, wayfinding and personal assistance. It helps to answer any questions passengers have. It helps them to enjoy their time spent in the terminal. And to get the most of out Schiphol’s operational and commercial opportunities.

The challenge

Customer support which doesn’t scale

Passengers with questions want immediate answers. Providing these answers quickly not only benefits the passenger but also the airport. A 1% increase in passenger satisfaction generates an average 1.5% growth in non-aeronautical revenue according to the ACI.

To help passengers with questions, Schiphol used to have manned information desks in the terminal. The challenge was that they weren’t manned 24/7 and lines usually formed during peak hours. Also, it didn’t feel very efficient for the passenger who want immediate answers to wait in line. At the same time, agents had to answer the same questions, over and over again.

Information desk

The Solution

Using technology to provide help in the moment of need

In 2018 Schiphol developed the Self-Service Unit (SSU). A kiosk, combining hardware and software. The SSU were strategically placed in the terminals to allowing travellers to check flight information, find gates, restaurants or other points-of-interest. Passengers can also browse frequently asked questions and even start a video call or chat with an airport assistant.

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Available on a mobile phone

Since 2023, the ‘passenger experience platform’ which the SSU provides is also available on a mobile phone, extending the reach and possibilities even further. Passengers can scan a QR code to open up the airport map, start a private chat with one of the service agents, or creating an airport itinerary while waiting in line.

The Self-Service Units are a central point in our service strategy, to ensure travellers get the relevant information in a fast and friendly way. This is part of Schiphol’s goal to offer its travellers a seamless journey and peace of mind during their travel through Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.
Wieke Vrielink – Sr. Manager Marketing & Customer Experience

Helping passengers get the most out of the airport

Passengers can scan their boarding pass to receive a personalised timeline. Passengers who have a lot of time on their hands receive relevant recommendations, complemented with commercial wayfinding. This helps travellers enjoy their stay at Schiphol airport while generating more revenues in the process.

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short connection

Transferring passengers who are at risk of missing their flight can retrieve a priority pass to skip to the front of lines at security and border control. Schiphol being a hub-airport, is very mindful of the immense negative impact of a passenger missing a transfer on the NPS of an airline. Let alone the financial and operational impact.

The Passenger Experience Platform allows us to assist all travellers at the airport, regardless of who they are or which questions they have. We provide immediate answers and personal service when needed. It’s the reason the travellers rate the platform so highly.
Robbert van Vliet – Customer Care Manager

The result

Peace of mind for passengers and increased commercial opportunities

The Passenger Experience Platform has become a central point in Schiphol’s service strategy. It ensure travellers get the relevant information in a fast and friendly way. This has helped Schiphol win the Skytrax Best Digital Services Award 2023.