hero aviation solutions

Passenger Experience Platform

Schedule a demo

Discover how you can use Schiphol’s Passenger Experience Platform. Request a demonstration and we’ll show you how it helps to provide your passengers a stress-free journey and how it unlocks commercial opportunities for your airport.

What’s in the Passenger Experience Platform demo?

We’ll tailor the demonstration to your specific needs but here are some things we’ll cover.

  • How it delivers value to airports and passengers

  • How data insights from the platform helps to continuously improving operations

  • A walkthrough of the commercial opportunities

  • The different ways you can use the platform

  • The ease of making it work at your airport

Who’s the Passenger Experience Platform demo for?

The demonstration can be tailored to anyone who is involved with the passengers experience and commercial opportunities. This includes roles such as:

  • Operations manager

  • Commercial director

  • IT manager

  • Customer experience manager

  • Customer service operations manager

  • Customer support manager

  • Head of business development

Request your demo

Send an email to aviationsolutions@schiphol.nl or fill in the form.