Our teamCollaborating in the aviation industry

What would happen if we let other airports use our technology, or collaborate to develop new technologies, or work closely with partners in the industry? Would that speed up the innovation in the sector, would other airports find that beneficial? It’s those questions that led to the creation of the Schiphol Group Aviation Solutions team.

Contact the team

Caroline Massart

Head of Aviation Solutions

Marcel Stroop

Director of Go-To-Market

Gertjan Bluemink

Business Development Director - Passenger Experience

Bas Scheepers

Business Development Director - Turnaround management

Nol Gülcher

Business Development Director

Tim Vellema

Strategy Consultant

Santiago Ruiz

Sr. Data Scientist

Stefan Schenk

Data Engineer

Richard Groen

Director of Product

Bram Schipper

Data Scientist

Theun van Vliet

Sr. Data Scientist

Robin van der Meer

Scrum Master

David Lopez Penha

Data Engineer

Razien Kirmani Murtaza

Business Analyst

Raimon Pruim

Sr. Computer Vision Scientist

Ruben van der Leun


Fabian Carta

Scrum Master

Tijn Borms

Director of Product

Tjerk Smit


Sebastiaan Scheers

Lead Developer

Jonathan Leung

UX designer

Jan Jaap van Deursen


Chris van Mook


Jurre Berkhout


Eline van Oostrom

Strategy Consultant

Let’s discover the possibilities of technology, together