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Passenger Experience Platform

Discover all possibilities

The Passenger Experience Platform is your solution to excellent service for your passengers. While elevating the experience for passengers on their journey through the airport, the platform offers a number of ways to maximise the potential of your facilities and services.

Elevated passenger experiences and satisfaction at scale

The Passenger Experience Platform is accessed through dedicated kiosks within your terminal as well as through mobile phones by simply scanning a QR code.

Passengers can access the following services:

  1. Access digital terminal maps and Point of Interest information

  2. Personalised wayfinding & itinerary from arrival to the airport up to boarding

  3. FAQ and airport information

  4. Virtual (video call) assistance with an agent when needed

SSP overview 1

By prioritising self-service at the beginning of the process the majority of passengers’ questions are answered, quickly, in more than 100 languages.

The platform is geared to reducing any stress passengers may feel and increase their dwell time and optimise how they spend that time.

Opportunities for increased passenger spend

Passengers can scan their boarding pass or manually look up their flight. With this contextual information the Passenger Experience Platform provides a personal itinerary to the passenger for their trip through the airport.

The platform uses this context to suggest activities and recommend outlets for passengers that have enough time before their flight, optimizing dwell time.

The platform can be configured to:

  1. Provide personalised vouchers and discounts for terminal outlets

  2. Incentivise the passenger to visit terminal outlets that are less busy

  3. Promote & book airport services such as accommodation, transport and lounges

After all, a more informed and thereby relaxed passenger is more receptive to revenue generating activities. An ACI survey shows that a 1% increase in passenger satisfaction generates an average 1.5% growth in non-aeronautical revenue.

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Improved passenger intelligence

The Passenger Experience Platform provides detailed analytics on how passengers use the platform. For example:

  • How and where are passengers accessing the platform?

  • At what stage in the airport do passengers require more assistance?

  • What are passengers looking for on the platform?

  • Can information provisioning be improved at strategic points?

  • What type of passengers require what kind of assistance?

  • Can assistance be targeted even better?

The dashboard is a key input for improving the platforms content, airport information and services as a whole.


Reduce missed flights and connections

By providing passengers with clear and unambiguous information about their flights, gate, and services in the terminal, passengers are more likely to be on time for their flight.

The short connection module of the Passenger Experience Platform provides passengers who are at risk of missing their connection with a “short connection pass”. This digital pass allows airport staff to assist passengers in making their connection, improving operational KPIs concerning transfer times and delays.

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