Do you need help?Request assistance for your flight

Flying with a disability, whether visible or not, can be a challenge. And that’s something we’re aware of at Schiphol. That is why we’d like to lend a helping hand. We can assist you right up to your seat in the aircraft. Whether you’re departing from, arriving at or transferring through Schiphol, we’re here for you. You can request assistance through the airline you booked with. On these pages you’ll find more information about who this assistance is for, how to get it and what you can expect at Schiphol.

What kind of disability do you have?

Wheelchair or reduced mobility

Check our services for travellers in a wheelchair or with reduced mobility.

Deaf or blind

Schiphol pays special attention to travellers who are hearing or vision impaired.

Make a request for assistance

Assistance with departure, arrival & transfer

See which steps you go through when travelling through Schiphol with assistance. Firstly, make sure you are at the airport on time. We advise you to be in the departure hall as soon as the check-in desk for your flight opens. Look up your flight and check what time the check-in desk opens or inquire with your airline. Also give yourself time to get from the car park, station or Kiss & Ride to the check-in desk in the departure hall.

Assistance upon departure

From arriving at Schiphol to sitting in the plane: here’s how departure assistance works.

Assistance upon arrival

From getting off the plane to leaving Schiphol: we help you every step of the way.

Assistance with a transfer

From one plane to the other: we’re happy to take the time for you.