
Sustaining Your World

Sustainable living environment

A sustainable living environment at and around the airport. A pleasant environment in which to work and live. For many years now, Schiphol has been taking various measures to make this a reality. And to make improvements. We strive to balance out the negative effects that aviation has on the environment.

Our efforts include improving air quality and reducing noise nuisance. We regularly discuss the impact of air traffic with local residents. That way, we know what action needs to be taken.

Schiphol is a large employer, but primarily aims to be a good employer that stimulates the regional labour market. We therefore create a healthy working environment, support continuous learning and provide possibilities for people who have difficulty finding work.

Our 6 measures for a sustainable living environment

Improving air quality

Lower ultrafine particle and nitrogen emissions means better air quality at and around Schiphol

Reducing noise nuisance

‘Minder Hinder’ plan to reduce noise nuisance, carefully considered runway use, quieter aircraft

Contact with our neighbours

Collecting and sharing information about the impact of air traffic

Making a difference in the community

Supporting sports clubs, home improvements and investing in local amenities

A safe and healthy working environment

From certified buildings to lifting aids in the baggage basement and the SPOT community

Sustainable employment

Contributing to the economy and a stable work environment, encouraging talent