Reducing noise nuisance

Schiphol is taking several measures to reduce noise nuisance caused by air traffic. We are encouraging the use of quieter aircraft by lowering the airport charges they pay. Together with Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL), we make sure that we use the flight paths and runways that cause the least disturbance. We also worked with the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) to develop innovative noise-reflecting ground ridges. In 2020, we launched the ‘Minder Hinder’ programme to reduce noise nuisance together with LVNL and with support from airlines. This is an extensive package of measures aimed at further reducing inconvenience caused by noise.

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Joint efforts to reduce noise nuisance

Schiphol and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL), along with support from airlines, set up the ‘Minder Hinder’ noise reduction programme. In accordance with this programme, we continuously work on measures to reduce nuisance and improve the quality of the living environment. You can see the measures we are taking in the areas of runway use, aircraft types, flight paths and procedures for flying during the day and at night on

Flight paths causing less nuisance have priority

Weather and safety permitting, Schiphol and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) allow aircraft to take off, land and fly via routes that cause less noise nuisance. Preferably, we deploy the Kaagbaan Runway for arriving traffic and the Polderbaan Runway for departing traffic. The flight paths to and from these runways are above slightly less densely-populated areas.

Encouraging quieter aircraft

Schiphol encourages airlines to use quieter and cleaner aircraft by way of lower airport charges for such planes. Airlines then take this into account when renewing their fleet. Furthermore, aircraft manufacturers like Airbus and Boeing are developing engines that use less fuel and therefore produce fewer emissions.

Innovative noise-reflecting ridges

We have created special ridges in the ground in the area between Hoofddorp-Noord and the Polderbaan Runway. These ridges have slopes that are angled to reflect sound waves upwards. As a result, people living in Hoofddorp-Noord experience less disturbance from ground noise – a rumbling sound made by aircraft when taking off. Residents started to have more issues with ground noise after the opening of the Polderbaan Runway in 2003. The situation has improved thanks to the innovative noise-reflecting ridges, which were developed by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO).

Schiphol supports start-up DeNoize

DeNoize is researching and developing soundproofing technology for windows in houses. Schiphol is supporting DeNoize’s efforts, as this innovative solution could make a positive contribution to the quality of life experienced by local residents.

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