Making a difference in the community

Improving the quality of life in the area around Schiphol by organising special activities and projects. That’s what Schiphol’s Living Environment Foundation (Stichting Leefomgeving Schiphol, SLS) and the Schiphol Fund aim to do. The Living Environment Foundation takes many different measures to improve the situation of individuals and of the local community. The Schiphol Fund donates to regional organisations who are active in the field of sports and exercise.

laag 3 SCHIPHOL ALS BUUR-prettig leven en werken 3 omgevingsraad Schiphol

The Living Environment Foundation improves quality of life

To ensure a liveable local environment, Schiphol supports the Living Environment Foundation (SLS). It works on made-to-measure projects aimed at improving living and working in the community. These projects include roof repairs, individual help with air traffic-related unliveable situations and neighbourhood initiatives that improve the quality of life in areas greatly affected by nuisance.

The Schiphol Fund: encouraging sport and exercise

The Schiphol Fund encourages physical activities in the area around Schiphol. By way of donations, it helps associations, schools, charities and other organisations to implement their amateur sporting initiatives. The foundation attaches importance to initiatives that are built to last, that help as many people as possible from all walks of life and that make use of volunteers. The Schiphol Fund has been contributing to sport and exercise initiatives in local area since 1994.

What we do for more sustainability