Baggage Basement

Schiphol is working on the further renewal, renovation and innovation of the baggage basements. We are constructing a new baggage basement with baggage-handling system. By building this new baggage basement, we can replace the existing baggage systems without inconveniencing airlines and travellers too much.


With the construction of the new baggage basement and the renovation of the existing basements, we guarantee operational continuity and improve the working conditions of baggage employees.

Backbone extension

At Schiphol, travellers can check in their baggage at various locations. After check-in, the baggage travels to the right baggage basement along a main transport route that we call the ‘backbone’. This backbone allows Schiphol to transport suitcases between different baggage systems and the baggage buffers of Schiphol. The basement and baggage system we are going to construct over the coming years will be connected to the current system as we extend the backbone to the new baggage basement.

Buffer upgrade

At Schiphol we have a baggage buffers, large storage spaces, where suitcases that have been checked in are kept until they can be loaded onto the aircraft. The existing buffer is being expanded to create more capacity during peak times.

We only need to make minimal adjustments to enlarge the buffer’s current capacity. We are creating a smarter layout, which will result in a storage capacity increase. This smart layout and upgrade means more capacity for an optimal baggage process.

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