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Passenger Experience Platform


The Passenger Experience Platform brings together a number of features and integrations to become the one stop shop for passengers on their journey through the terminal. Various modules are available for you and can be configured to your specific needs.

Integration with your digital terminal maps

An interactive view of the terminal at the passenger's fingertips. Finding a shop, gate or amenity has never been this easy. We integrate with your digital map provider to make the map accessible to passengers when they need it the most.

Flight search

Of course, passengers can look up their flight information, either by typing in their flight number, airline or destinations. Passengers can also scan their boarding pass and retrieve all the information they need to so they can feel at ease and make it to their gate on time.


Any information the passenger might want to find can be accessed through search. Looking for the bathrooms? Lost & Found? Sushi? Birkin bags? Search gets the passenger the desired information much quicker than looking through a directory of amenities.

Point of interest information

All amenities, shops, restaurants or other airport features are accessible through the map or via the search feature. Passengers can find the location, opening times, pictures, types of goods sold and more, giving them a goal on how to spend their dwell time.

Personalised wayfinding & itinerary

With the flight information and location of the passenger known, the platform suggests the walking route, time needed and steps necessary to make it to the gate on time. If there is time to spare the platform suggest activities for that extra time.

FAQ & airport information

Anything the passenger wants to know. Service staff used to answer the same questions over and over. Now the platform makes it easily accessible and efficient for the passenger and the airport.

Virtual assistance through video call

Vital to great service is to anticipate the passengers’ needs. If they cannot find what they are looking for, quickly, the platform suggests to call an agent via video call. This personal touch when the passenger is in need is what really drives an elevated passenger experience.

Personalised vouchers & discounts

By suggesting vouchers or discounts to passengers based on their location and time available your airport can capture revenue generating opportunities and incentivise passengers to make use of outlets that might be less busy.

Airport services promotion & booking

Not only letting passengers find the info they are looking for, but enabling them to easily complete bookings drives customers to your services and improves conversion.

Dashboard and insights

Getting clear insights in how passengers use the platform is essential. Continuously updating and improving the content of the platform is essential. Additionally, operators might spot gaps in information provisioning or wayfinding based on what passengers look for help with on the platform.

Short connection module

The optional short connection module enables you to identify and empower passengers with tight connections to make their flight by providing a short connection pass. The pass lets passengers use priority lines to increase their chances of making the connections and improving the airports and airlines operational performance.


There are more than 100+ languages to choose from. From a UX perspective we advise to choose 20 to use on the platform. Especially for airports which see a lot of people who don’t speak English or the local language at the airport, the multi-language feature is a helpful one to increase customer service.