Aviation Solutions Blogs

Airports face a complex challenge: how can they enhance the passenger experience, optimise operations, and minimise environmental impact? We believe technology plays a big part in achieving these goals. On this page, you’ll find team updates, new product releases, background stories, and anything we’re working on.

Read our blogs

26 August

Deep Turnaround Webinar 26 September 2024

25 June

Exploring the Apple Vision Pro use cases for airports

Deep Turnaround is already live at multiple airports. Apple Vision Pro can push the boundaries even further in terms of how the data is used.  

27 May

European Accessibility Act: impact on airports

What is the European Accessibility Act (EAA), how does it impact airport accessibility, and what should airports prioritise to comply with these regulations?

28 March

The Amsterdam Delay Allocation Method explained

Here’s how airports can improve delay insights by using already available data to get a deep understanding of the delay breakdown, enabling improvements.

5 March

Menzies’ 365 days with Deep Turnaround

Menzies Aviation shares their insights on how they transformed airport efficiency and communication with Schiphol's Deep Turnaround system over the past year.

28 February

Deep Turnaround featured on Future Airport

Future Airport's feature highlights Schiphol and Eindhoven Airport for their adoption of Deep Turnaround tech, revolutionizing airport operations.

22 February

Schiphol’s all new PRM call points

Explore Schiphol’s updated PRM call point, enhancing accessibility beyond regulations while improving experiences for PRM passengers.

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