
Postponement of consideration of emission-free zone for taxis

On Wednesday 20 December 2023, the House of Representatives decided that the proposal to introduce an emission-free zone for taxis will not be debated until there is a new cabinet (declared controversial). It is currently unclear what consequences this decision will have. This puts pressure on the targeted start date of 1 January 2026 for introducing the zero-emission zone for taxis. We are closely monitoring national developments and will inform stakeholders as soon as there is more clarity over the situation.

Below you can read about what the plans for the zero-emission taxi zone entail.

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Samen dringen we het aantal fossiele verkeersbewegingen terug

Since November 2023, taxi travel from the taxi rank at Schiphol (A-runway) has been emission-free! In order to further reduce the number of fossil fuel vehicles, Schiphol is working together with the municipality of Haarlemmermeer to create an emission-free taxi zone in Schiphol Centre. The aim is to ensure that every taxi journey both to and from Schiphol is emission-free, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2 and nitrogen, improving air quality and reducing the noise pollution within the surrounding area.

Postponement of consideration of emission-free zone for taxis

On Wednesday 20 December 2023, the House of Representatives decided that the proposal to introduce an emission-free zone for taxis will not be debated until there is a new cabinet (declared controversial). It is currently unclear what consequences this decision will have. This puts pressure on the targeted start date of 1 January 2026 for introducing the zero-emission zone for taxis. We are closely monitoring national developments and will inform stakeholders as soon as there is more clarity over the situation.

Below you can read about what the plans for the zero-emission taxi zone entail.

Future taxi rules

When a zero-emission zone for taxis is introduced, the zone will be signposted from then on. You will always have the option to stop and turn around if you do not want to enter the zero-emission zone. If your vehicle does not meet the zero-emission zone standards, then you will not be allowed to enter the street. If you persist in entering, then you will receive a fine.

Transitional arrangements

With the introduction of a zero-emission zone for taxis, transitional arrangements may apply.

Which transitional arrangements these are will be determined nationwide. We will update the information on this page when the arrangements are official.


Some vehicles qualify for an exemption. To gain an exemption for a vehicle, you do not have to do anything, it is granted automatically. Currently, an exemption is valid until 1 January 2030.

Some taxis are entitled to a temporary exemption. This exemption is designed to give the owner additional time to make the switch to other forms of transport. This policy is being introduced nationwide and will come into effect once the government makes its final decision. We are closely monitoring developments and will share any further information we have if and when it becomes available.

Click here to read all the latest information on national exemptions and waivers.

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