AMS airport charges, levies, slots and conditionsOperating with transparency

vliegtuig zonsopkomst

Consultation on airport charges

Every three years, Schiphol is obliged to set airport charges and conditions after consultation with the airlines for a period of three years. When setting the charges, Schiphol takes the views of the airlines into account. We discuss the fees and explain topics such as our investment plans with the airlines.

If you would like to know more about the consultation process or participate as an airline, please contact your Airline Partnership Director.

PRM levies

As of July 2008, EU Regulation 1107/2006 is effective. This regulation concerns 'the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility (PRM) when travelling by air'. To finance this assistance, all airlines operating at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol are being charged a PRM levy on a per passenger basis. This way the costs are spread more equally over all passengers using the airport.

Calculation of airport charges

To learn about the charges for Schiphol, please contact our support team. They will give advice to match your situation and calculate how much your airline must pay.

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