To the Badge CenterContact and route

Exterieur Badgecenter

Do you need to visit the badge centre?

For the collection of your Schiphol Pass, you will receive email confirmation of your appointment. Did your employer make the appointment for you? If so, ask him or her for the confirmation. This will state exactly what you need to take with you.

Opening hours and contact details

The Badge Center is open on working days from 08:00-16:30, excluding national holidays. You can reach the Badge Center at or 020 601 26 26.


You can find the Badge Center next to the Schiphol Main Office. Instead of using the main entrance, walk along the small footpath to the entrance on the left.

Schiphol Badge Center Evert van de Beekstraat 202 1118 CP Schiphol

Paid parking is available in the nearby parking garage, but we advise you to use public transportation.

You can also find the Badge Centre on Google Maps. In Google Maps, type "Schiphol Badge Center" instead of the address. Don't use the main entrance, but use the side entrance to the left of the main Schiphol building.