Prepare for a smooth transfer: Transfers at Schiphol

Your arrival at Schiphol

Enter your flight details to get personal advice for the time you’ll spend at Schiphol.

Arriving flight

Your departure from Schiphol

Enter your flight details to find out how much time you have for your transfer, your gate number and much more.

Departing flight

Your transfer between plane and train

Are you combining your flight with a train journey? Let us tell you about how to best continue your journey after arriving at Schiphol.

Good to know

Transfers at Schiphol

Whether you’ve got to make a dash for your next flight or have a few hours to spare, you of course want your transfer at Schiphol to go as smoothly as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I transfer at Schiphol during the corona crisis?

That depends on your destination and on the country you are travelling from. Please check the COVID-19 travel advisories on Travelling within the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area is currently permitted, but this situation may change in the near future. If you are transferring on a connecting flight to a non-Schengen or non-EU destination, and you stay in the transfer area at Schiphol and depart within 48 hours, make sure you have a valid flight ticket and valid travel documents so that you are able to prove that you are in transit. If you change to a connecting flight to a Schengen country or destination within the EU, you will be subject to Dutch entry policy.

How long does a transfer at Schiphol take?

It all depends on your arrival time at Schiphol and the departure time of your connecting flight. We can give you personal advice based on your flight details. Search for your arriving flight and click on flight details for more information. Compare this with the departure details of your connecting flight to find out how much time you have for your transfer and which gate you need to go to.

Can someone help me with my transfer at Schiphol?

We would be pleased to assist you. If you indicated that you need help at Schiphol at the time when you booked your trip, our assistants will be ready and waiting to help you with your transfer. Once you’ve landed, they will be waiting for you at the gate and will guide you to the departure gate for your connecting flight. Read more about assistance with connecting flights at Schiphol.

Where can I find a map of the airport?

Every lounge contains at least one information board with a map of the area on it. You can also view our interactive map.

Does Schiphol offer free WiFi?

Yes, we offer free WiFi. You can go online anywhere at Schiphol by logging in to the Airport_Free_Wifi network. This network is useful for short text messages and emails and allows you 4 hours of automatic access. After that, you can log in again for free straight away. Read more about free WiFi at Schiphol.

Where can I smoke at Schiphol?

Smoking has been prohibited at Schiphol since 1 April 2020. The entire terminal is non-smoking. The only place where smoking is permitted is on Jan Dellaertplein, in front of the Schiphol Plaza entrance. Read more about smoking at Schiphol.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about travelling via Schiphol