Separate waste collection

Schiphol Group has the ambition all its airports to be Zero Waste in 2030. We will no longer have residual waste, only waste streams that are reused or recycled. At Schiphol, we ensure that our waste streams deliver the highest possible value. And we strive to have as few waste streams as possible by reducing and preventing waste. A zero waste airport is the first milestone in our ambition of a circular airport in 2050.

afval scheiden

Insight into the residual flows

Since June 2023, we have been working with waste processor Renewi and tech company Seenons to achieve our goal of zero waste. Renewi is responsible for waste logistics: collection, disposal and processing. In order to really take steps, insight into the waste flows is indispensable. Seenons takes care of that: who produces what at the airport and how much? Seenons analyzes all data, looks at where measures are needed and what options are available on the market. The goal is to soon know what is made of all our residual flows and whether that is the most sustainable solution.

We collect 40 different waste streams at Schiphol, including organic waste, plastic, paper, metal, fluorescent tubes and coffee grounds. This waste comes from the terminal and offices, as well as from the aircraft.

Separate collection of PET bottles

A 15 cent deposit on PET bottles and cans was introduced on the 1st of July 2021 in the Netherlands. Although Schiphol is exempt from mandatory collection and deposit refunds, we collect the bottles separately nevertheless. Collecting plastic bottles at the airport fits well with our goal of being a waste-free airport by 2030. If you’d prefer to get your deposit back, you can return your bottle at one of the locations indicated by Stichting Statiegeld Nederland. In general, these locations are larger supermarkets, manned petrol stations along motorways and manned public transport locations (not Schiphol Plaza).