Preparing for climate change

Schiphol is preparing for the consequences of climate change. A few years ago, we had a special hydraulic model developed to calculate a variety of climatic scenarios. New standards for drainage were established and new measures were taken based on the findings. Schiphol is a densely built-up area, and so we also pay close attention to heat stress. Drought or insufficient water is not yet an issue. Schiphol is situated in a polder and is surrounded by a ring canal.

vliegtuig in de sneew

What changes is Schiphol making to the collection and drainage of water?

  • Over the coming years, we will be widening the water system at various locations.

  • New construction projects must contain buffer space for water.

  • Green roofs act as water buffers. They allow water to drain more gradually into the water system. You can see these roofs here and there at Schiphol, including at the new mortuary.

  • Some flat roofs act as water storage and drain water more slowly.

  • Water-permeable surfacing is used where possible, such as in the car parks.

  • Gutters with pumps have been installed at the entrances of the basements in order to keep them dry.

Finger on the pulse

Schiphol is on the right track, but we know it is important to keep one’s finger on the pulse. Water management is always a priority.

What we do for more sustainability