In conversation with...

Wij reinigden al PFAS-houdende grond voordat de regelgeving in Europa opkwam

Steff Van Cauwenberg en Jochem Bloemendaal werken bij DEME. De milieutak van dit van oorsprong baggerbedrijf levert de kennis en grondreinigingsinstallatie om PFAS uit de schipholgrond te halen.

'Without independence our right to exist disappears'

Terrascan investigates and supervises the remediation of (PFAS-containing) soil at Schiphol. We spoke to senior project leader Michel van der Riet about his passion for thorough research.

‘The Netherlands can benefit from the way we clean up PFAS’

We talk to project manager Katelijne de Wolf about how she monitors safety and sustainability in the project in which Schiphol wants to clean PFAS-containing soil at a soil treatment facility.

‘This cleaning method is the best option for the clayey Schiphol soil’

Annemarie van Biemen works as Senior Soil Specialist at Schiphol and concerns herself with soil quality on a daily basis. We spoke to her about the research and public perception surrounding PFAS at Schiphol.