ExpandingUniform Platform

As passenger numbers at Schiphol continue to grow, airlines are responding by using increasing numbers of large aircraft for flights to and from Amsterdam. These wide-body aircraft occasionally need a temporary stand if there is no room for them at the gate. Additional remote holding capacity is needed in order to accommodate this. We are therefore extending one of the remote holding locations – the Uniform Platform. As a result of phase 2, the platform has been extended to 10 buffer positions. This will help us to keep delivering our on-time performance.

Uniform Platform – going far and wide for the future of Schiphol
Phase 2 completeluchtfoto uniform platform

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Facts & figures

The Uniform platform is a remote holding location relatively close to the gates. As a result of the recent building work, the platform has been extended to 10 buffer positions.

The expansion of the Uniform Platform requires:

  • 50,000 m3 sand

  • 55,000 m2 concrete

  • 110,000 m2 asphalt

  • 2 km grid guttering

  • 2.6 km rainwater drainage


We are expanding the Uniform platform in several phases. First, we temporarily used the future taxiway as a remote holding location, taking the number of stands from five to seven. Further extensions were done in phase two, and now there are ten stands for wide-body aircraft.

We are now waiting for a decision on phase 3 (which will increase total capacity to 12 wide-body positions) based on the 2022-2026 business plan.

Insiders info

Buffer zones for rainwater

The increase in heavy rains is leading to major problems with excess runoff water. The Uniform Platform project team came up with a promising smart water buffer and drainage system in order to tackle them.

Cast in concrete

The first item on the to-do list for the second phase of the expansion of the Uniform platform took place on Wednesday 8 May. Mirjam de Boer-Postmus and Siebolt Bennema each donned a pair of overalls and got their hands dirty.

Uniform Platform gets new look

The expansion of the Uniform Platform is being carried out in several stages. Purpose: extra buffer zones to temporarily park wide-body aircrafts. But what’s involved in a project like a platform expansion?

Cables moved further underground

We are currently running a pilot at the new Uniform platform to see if the cabling can be moved to casings in the lowest asphalts layers. ‘In the long term, this will be a lot more efficient and cost-effective.’