Cast in concrete

Published on: 20 May 2019 The first item on the to-do list for the second phase of the expansion of the Uniform platform took place on Wednesday 8 May. Mirjam de Boer-Postmus, director of Asset Management, and Siebolt Bennema, director of PLuS, each donned a pair of overalls and got their hands dirty, like actual construction workers.

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Pour, smooth and immortalize

After the official opening by Rob Kooper, project manager at PluS, and Farshad Nobakht, client from Schiphol Asset Management, it was time for Mirjam and Siebolt to take off their suits and suit up in overalls instead. All guests braved the mud and watched how Mirjam and Siebolt very carefully poured concrete into the mould. “This is a first for me, pouring concrete”, says Mirjam. “One more thing to cross off my bucket list.”

In beton gegoten

Once the concrete was poured, it was time to immortalize Mirjam and Siebolt’s handprints in a specially designed mould filled with – what else? – concrete. The result will be given pride of place near the Uniform platform. Siebolt: “I am thrilled to be standing here in my overalls, but at the end of the day, what we are doing here is about more than just pouring concrete. I’d like to express just how proud I am of this collaboration between both Schiphol and VolkerInfra and Heijmans.”

Extra buffer zones

During the first phase, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol designated six temporary buffer zones at the Uniform Platform for immediate use. These sites are currently located on a new taxiway behind the existing platform. During the second phase we will be expanding the existing platform ourselves. We are building three new wide-body buffer zones there. We are also adding an extra section to the taxiway, which we will connect to existing taxiway Charlie. We can then tow and drag aircraft via that route.”