Gel, cream, ointment, paste and aerosols: Liquids in hand baggage

Many items fall into the category of ‘liquids’. When you prepare your hand baggage, please check what items are considered ‘liquids’ by cross-referencing the lists below. Doing so will allow you to clear security in a smooth fashion.

Volumes of liquid permitted on-board

You can take 1 litre of liquids in your hand baggage in containers of 100ml each. Smaller or open packaging is also allowed. Please put the liquids, gels, creams, pastes and aerosols in a re-sealable, transparent 1-litre bag.

At Schiphol, larger containers like your drink bottle are only permitted if they are cleared by the scan and by a member of security staff. If you want to be sure that you won’t have to hand something over, you should pack it in your hold baggage. That way, it will also be allowed on the return journey and when making a transfer at another airport. Not all airports have innovative CT scans that are able to check liquids. Don’t forget to check if custom rules apply.

This is considered a liquid item

Liquid items may be water, soft drinks and fruit juice – but for liquids in your hand baggage, we also mean other liquids like gels, creams, ointments, pastes and aerosols. Here are some examples of items that fall under the liquid rules for hand baggage:


  • Water
  • Soft drink
  • Fruit juice
  • Face cleanser and toner
  • Shampoo
  • Etc.


  • Body wash
  • Hair gels
  • Lip gloss
  • After sun gel
  • Green soap
  • Etc.

Cream and ointment

  • Moisturiser
  • Eye cream
  • Skin care
  • Suntan lotion
  • Medicinal salves
  • Lip balm and ChapStick
  • Etc.


  • Toothpaste
  • Peanut butter
  • Mayonnaise
  • Mustard
  • Etc.


  • Hair spray
  • Deodorant
  • Spray paint
  • Insect repellent
  • Etc.

Can you bring your drink bottle?

Many people travel with a drink bottle because it’s important to stay hydrated during your flight. Most drinks bottles can be taken in your bag including their contents if they are approved by the hand baggage scan and the member of security staff at the security check. Do you have a metal bottle? Then you must empty it first. After security and the passport control area, you will be able to refill it with water at one of the taps at the washroom facilities. Read more about drink bottles in this blog.

Medicines and baby food

You are always allowed to bring medication, dietary supplements and baby food with you that you need on your trip. Read more about medicines and baby food in your hand baggage.

Prepare for your flight