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Schiphol builds the future of travel. Come and join us! We share data and data services with companies in the travel industry.

Welcome to Schiphol's marketplace for airport data

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Welcome to Schiphol's marketplace for airport data

Build a future of solutions with our data, data models and APIs.

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Excel in operations

Get insights and smart solutions for a fully optimised operation.

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Traveller experience

Offer fully serviced, hassle free travel from door to gate.


    Improve On-Time Performance

    Stay informed of every last-minute gate change

    Know how busy security lanes are

    Accurately predict traveller movements in real-time

    Airport Community App

    Especially for airport staff: detailed, up-to-date and real-time flight information on their mobile device.

    FLIO - global airport app

    FLIO is the one-stop app for all useful information of many airports worldwide.

    Personal Arrival Time

    Help travellers plan their journey to the airport and thus influencing arrival patterns.

    Dutch Mobility Hackathon

    During the Dutch Mobility Hackathon 2017, we challenged hackers to come up with innovative mobility solutions.

    Contact us for business or commercial questions