More and more electric vehicles

Baggage tractors, scissor lifts, loading platforms, hotel shuttles. You can see many different types of vehicle at Schiphol. If you look closely, you’ll see that an increasing number of them are electric. Less CO₂, nitrogen and ultrafine particle emissions – that’s why we are fully committed to driving on electricity. Vehicles that run on fossil fuels are going to be gradually phased out over the coming years.

HVO100: an intermediate step

Since the start of 2023, all fossil fuel-powered ground equipment around the aircraft have been running on HVO100. This includes standard cars, delivery vans, pushback tractors, lorries and more specialised equipment like conveyor belt loaders, catering lifts, passenger staircases and generators. HVO100 is a good step towards electrification. This renewable fuel emits 98% less CO2 than the diesel that was previously used.

This is what our electric fleet looks like

Design and animation: Frédérik Ruys, Vizualism

What we do for more sustainability