Economical energy

Schiphol set itself a target to reduce energy consumption by 4 percent every year. Our Arrival and Departure Hall dates back to 1967. It’s not an easy task to make such an old building more economical, but we reach our 4 percent target year in, year out.

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These measures allow us to reduce energy consumption:

  • In many places, the lights only turn on when you enter the space.

  • When a light bulb needs replacing, we use led light bulbs. You can find these at many locations, including in the car parks, on the runways and in our public spaces.

  • We are replacing coolers and air handling units with thermal energy storage at various locations, including Terminal 3 and piers B, E, F and G.

  • Displays and installations are switched off when they are not needed.

  • We are replacing outdated telecom and ICT equipment.

  • We make agreements with maintenance contractors about how to manage our buildings in a more sustainable way.

  • We are making gradual adjustments to our offices so that they comply with the BREEAM-NL In-Use sustainability label.

  • We set sustainability related requirements when handing out contracts e.g., for IT equipment, regional buses and information boards.

What we do for more sustainability