Schiphol’s Vision 2050

*Connecting your world* embodies the 'Why' of Royal Schiphol Group. By creating the world's most sustainable, high quality airports our company allows international trade, tourism and knowledge exchange to flourish by providing top-quality aviation infrastructure and air transport facilities for passengers and cargo.

By ensuring optimal air connectivity for the Netherlands, we are supporting the economy while also helping to promote the traditional Dutch values of openness, tolerance and international-mindedness for which we are known around the world. We do this with the support of our many partners across the aviation sector and beyond, including airlines, Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, Customs, national and local government, business partners, landside infrastructure providers, air traffic control and other key stakeholders.

At the same time, Schiphol is aware that our activities impact different groups in different ways. We therefore strive to balance the contribution we make in providing optimal links to connect the Netherlands to the wider world against the negative effects of aviation on the quality of life of local residents as well as the wider environmental impact of air travel. We do this through careful monitoring of noise pollution, local air quality and carbon emissions, as well as other key sustainability concerns.

Aviation Memorandum

In May 2020, the government adopted the Civil Aviation Policy Memorandum 2020-2050. The government wants the Netherlands to remain well connected by air with the rest of the world. At the same time, aviation must also become quieter and more sustainable. The Memorandum 2020-2050 sets out the preconditions for future development of aviation in the Netherlands. Four interests have center stage:

  1. Safe aviation, in the air and on the ground

  2. Connecting the Netherlands with the rest of the world

  3. Attractive and healthy living environment

  4. Sustainable aviation