Royal Schiphol GroupCorporate Governance

Royal Schiphol Group N.V. is a public limited liability company with a full two-tier board regime. The State of the Netherlands, the city of Amsterdam, and the city of Rotterdam are joint shareholders. The Corporate Governance structure is based on Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, the company’s articles of association and various internal regulations.

Corporate Governance within Royal Schiphol Group

The Management Board

The members of the Management Board of Royal Schiphol Group share responsibility for the management of Schiphol Group and for its general affairs both within Schiphol Group and at its group companies. Each member has accepted responsibility for a particular area, as approved by the Supervisory Board. The Management Board consists of four members and, in principle, meets once a week.

Supervisory Board

Royal Schiphol Group's Supervisory Board is tasked with monitoring the management of Schiphol Group and its general affairs. It also advises the Management Board. The Supervisory Board consists of at least five and at most eight members and meets at least four times a year.

Committees of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board has four permanent committees: the Audit Committee, the Selection & Appointments Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Sustainability & Safety Committee. The committees meet independently and carry out preparatory work in a number of subareas for the Supervisory Board as a whole.

Corporate Governance code

In 2004, Royal Schiphol Group began applying the principles and best practice provisions of the Corporate Governance Code - drawn up by the Tabaksblat Committee - wherever possible and/or appropriate. Royal Schiphol Group has implemented these provisions in itsarticles of association and various internal regulations.

General Meeting of Shareholders

The Annual General Meeting of shareholders takes place in April at the latest.

Corporate Governance downloads

The downloads below contain a wide variety of rules, regulations and guidelines that support and convey our Corporate Governance. Among other matters, the Royal Schiphol Group Code of Conduct contains the internal reporting regulations for misconduct and fraud (the Whistle-blower Regulations).