The four permanent committees of the Supervisory BoardPreparatory commissions

The Supervisory Board of Royal Schiphol Group has four permanent committees: the Audit Committee, the Capital Projects, Operations & Investments Committee, the People Committee and the Safety, Sustainability and Stakeholders Committee. The committees meet independently and carry out preparatory work in a number of subareas for the Supervisory Board as a whole.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee prepares and discusses the Supervisory Board’s decision-making on Group financing, the internal risk management and control systems, as well as on the integrity and quality of the financial reporting.

Capital Projects, Operations & Investments Committee

The Capital Projects, Operations & Investments Committee prepares and discusses matters relating to the Supervisory Board’s decision-making on the approval of preliminary investment decisions for asset projects requiring the Supervisory Board’s approval (as stated in the Articles of Association and internal regulations). The committee is closely involved in the major projects (i.e. the A-pier) as well as the (general) operational and commercial developments at the airport (i.e. the passenger journey and total airport management).

People Committee

The People Committee prepares and discusses the Supervisory Board’s decision-making on nominations, appointments and remuneration. The committee also engages in diversity and inclusion as well as succession planning and employee-related matters.

Safety, Sustainability and Stakeholders Committee

The Safety, Sustainability and Stakeholders Committee prepares and discusses the Supervisory Board’s decision-making in respect of safety-, sustainability- and stakeholder-related matters.

A temporary Transaction Committee, consisting of the Audit Committee members, the Chair of the Supervisory Board, the CFO, the Director Schiphol International, the Senior Manager Treasury and M&A and Legal Counsel Corporate Law, has been established to oversee the sale of the shares held by Schiphol Group in Groupe ADP, as well as the repurchase of Schiphol Group’s shares held in Groupe ADP and the consequences thereof.

Each of these committees is subject to regulations, which can be found on our Corporate Governance page. The committees meet independently and carry out preparatory work in a number of sub-areas for the Supervisory Board as a whole. The committees report on the outcome of their meetings in a Supervisory Board meeting. The Supervisory Board as a whole takes decisions based on these reports.