On this page, you'll find an overview of blogs that you may find interesting to read as neighbour of Schiphol. There are blogs about the runways, flight paths and aircraft types, fun facts about the area around Schiphol, and more. Happy reading!
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31 October 2024
Pricier decibels: Schiphol charges more for noisy aircraft
DeNoize has constructed a pilot house near Schiphol to test their pioneering smart window technology that can reduce noise nuisance experienced by residents.
The Local Community Contact Centre (Bewoners Aanspreekpunt Schiphol, aka BAS) is there to help answer your questions and to collect complaints about nuisance.
If you live near Schiphol, aircraft noise is unavoidable and noise nuisance could be an issue. A low-noise building experiment is being set up in Hoofddorp.
Bird Controllers, called Kieviten (Dutch for lapwing), work day and night to repel birds, so our feathered visitors don't end up in the engines of aircraft.