No feasible and acceptable solution found for MHS Plaza sub-projectPlan development for MHS Plaza sub-project ended

Earlier this year, the parties financing the Schiphol Multimodal Hub (MHS) project decided to end further plan development for the MHS Plaza sub-project after it became clear that no solution could be found that was acceptable and feasible to all the parties within the resources available.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Municipality of Haarlemmermeer, the Amsterdam Transport Authority, NS, ProRail and Schiphol work together in the MHS project to ensure that Schiphol Airport remains a safe and comfortable hub for passengers.

The package of measures for the MHS Plaza sub-project included modifications to Schiphol Plaza aimed at creating sufficient capacity for the growing number of public transport users. The implications of this decision for the development and future of Plaza are currently being examined.

The other sub-projects under the MHS project - Train, Bus and Preparatory Activities Forecourt (VBW A) - are continuing as planned, however.

Train platforms

The escalators and lifts at Plaza are being renewed. More information on this can be found on the train platforms page.