If your booking includes plate recognition, you automatically receive a ticket shortly after driving up to the barrier. Once we've scanned your plate, the barrier opens.
Quick and easy baggage loading points, conveniently close to the entrance and shuttle bus.
Hop on the free shuttle bus and arrive at Departures in just 5 minutes. Buses shuttle every 10 minutes, 24/7.
You can also park your car at P3 Unsheltered without making a reservation. For this please check our parking rates without a reservation.
2 mins
Valet service: your car is parked safely outside
Charging service for electric (with full charging guarantee)
Covered walking route to departure hall
2-6 mins
Suitable for picking up/dropping off travelers
Garage close to the terminal
Covered walking route to departure hall
5 mins
Cheapest sheltered option at Schiphol
Sheltered parking guaranteed
24/7 free shuttle, every 10 minutes