Travelling from Schiphol with the train or bus!: By public transport from Schiphol​

Why use public transport to travel from Schiphol?

Fast, easy and affordable: you can go anywhere with public transport. And luckily also to Schiphol and back. Are you coming to the airport by train or bus? Then you can walk through Schiphol Plaza into the departure hall in no time.

Travelling from Schiphol by train

Our airport is an important hub for train traffic and is therefore easily accessible by rail from all over the Netherlands. Do you want to know what time your train leaves, how long your journey takes, what the costs are and where is the best place to board?

Travelling from Schiphol by bus

For various destinations directly around Schiphol, such as Amsterdam or Haarlem, the bus can be a good option to reach from Schiphol by public transport.

How does traveling with public transport from Schiphol work?

Arriving at Schiphol

Do you want to go to Schiphol by public transport? This can be done with an OV chip card or other payment method, such as a bank card. This is how you check in and out. You can easily reach the departure hall from the train and bus station. For more information and current travel information, please visit the NS website.

Departing from Schiphol

From the arrivals hall, follow the 'Trains' signs to Schiphol Plaza, where you take the escalator or elevator down to the platforms. You will also find the Schiphol bus stops in front of Schiphol Plaza. In addition to city and regional transport, special bus lines such as the shuttle bus to your hotel or to parking lot P3 also depart there.

Amsterdam Travel Ticket

If you want to visit Amsterdam, buy an Amsterdam Travel Ticket. It allows you to make unlimited use of the train and bus to and from Schiphol, and all trams, metros and buses in the city centre for up to 24 hours.

Travel to other countries by train​

Traveling abroad from Schiphol by train? You can buy train tickets for, for example, ICE International and Eurostar at the NS International counter in the terminal. You will find the ticket office at Schiphol Plaza near the other NS ticket offices.

Looking for others ways to travel from and to Schiphol?

  • Taxi

    Are you traveling by taxi to or from Schiphol? Get in at the official stand or meet your reserved taxi at the designated location.

  • Pick-up and Drop-off

    If you want to drop off or pick up someone, you can park at P1 Pick-up and Drop-off or use the Kiss & Ride for a very short stop. Make sure to check the expected crowds as it can be busy.

  • Check all options

    Whatever your preference, there is always a way of traveling to or from Schiphol that suits you. Whether you are traveling alone, with a family, have a distant destination, or need to be nearby.

Most Frequently Asked questions about Public Transport from and to Schiphol

Is it better to buy a ticket or pay with OVpay?

If you use the train, bus, tram or metro once, you can buy a ticket at Schiphol or pay in public transport with your debit card, credit card or mobile phone.

Where do I buy tickets for public transport to and from Schiphol?

At Schiphol you can buy a ticket for public transport at the blue/gray Public Transport Tickets machines. These are located at the baggage belts of Arrivals 1, 2 and 3 and at Schiphol Plaza. You can buy a ticket for a single trip or various 1, 2 or 3-day travel tickets. You can buy international train tickets at “NS International” at Schiphol Plaza.

How much does public transport cost when I travel to or from Schiphol?

The price for your trip by train or bus to or from Schiphol depends on the route. Visit for more information.

What is the best way to travel from Schiphol to other European cities by public transport?

From Schiphol Airport you can travel to other European cities in various ways by public transport, including Eurostar and Flixbus.

Where can I find the train station at Schiphol?

Schiphol Airport station is located directly below the airport. From the platform you can take the escalator or elevator up one floor to Schiphol Plaza. You will then be in the departure and arrival halls in no time.

Where can I check in for the train?

There are several places where you can check in for the train. These yellow check-in columns can be found near the train platforms in the central hall of Schiphol Plaza.

How does traveling by train to Schiphol work?

  • Plan your trip on
  • Buy a public transport chip card: you will find ticket machines at Schiphol Plaza. Or check in and out with your contactless debit card, credit card or mobile using OVpay
  • Make sure there is at least €20 on your OV-chip card if you travel with the OV-chip card
  • Always check in and out at the public transport chip posts: at Schiphol they are at the top of the escalator and elevator at Schiphol Plaza

How do I know which platform my train departs from?

At Schiphol Plaza, the train station below the airport, you will find departure boards listing all trains, including their departure times and platform numbers. These signs are updated regularly, so check them shortly before departure.

Where can I find the (shuttle) buses at Schiphol?

Are you traveling by bus to or from Schiphol? All buses running to and from the airport stop at Schiphol Plaza. This means you can get in or out right in front of the departure and arrival halls.

Can I buy a ticket on the bus?

Yes, you can buy a ticket on the bus with your debit card, credit card or mobile phone via Ovpay.
You will also find ticket machines at Schiphol Plaza and in Arrivals 1, 2 and 3. Always check in and out when getting on and off the bus.