Blog  ·  14 October 2024Learn about liquids in your bag!

Your lip gloss, hair gel, deodorant, sunscreen and jar of jam all have something in common when you fly… They’re liquids! And you can take them in your hand baggage in containers of up to 100ml. If you have larger items, put them in your hold baggage. That avoids having to hand things over at the security check at Schiphol. Test your knowledge about liquids in this blog!


Apply, spray, drink

At Schiphol we are often asked what the liquids in your hand baggage rule actually entails. Because this sometimes causes confusion. Is it everything you take with you in a bottle, like your drink or shampoo? Or also your lip balm, hairspray and toothpaste? By liquids we mean literally anything that has a liquid in it; whether you can apply it, spray it or drink it.

Check the packaging

You may of course take liquids, creams, gels, salves, pastes and aerosols with you in your hand baggage and therefore on the plane. As long as they are in containers of no more than 100ml, that is. So always check the packaging when you pack your bags. You could also take mini versions of your favourite shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste with you.

The big liquids in your hand baggage quiz!

Are you packing for your holiday? Take the big liquids quiz! That way you’ll know straight away what you can take with you in your hand baggage on the plane.

Question 1: What’s the maximum amount allowed in each container?

A: No more than 100ml per item. B: No more than 500ml per item. C: There is no maximum.

Question 2: What counts as a liquid?

A: Milk powder, cheese sandwich, pack of mints. B: Deodorant, gel, shampoo, and sunscreen. C: Tissues, headphones, charger, sunglasses.

Question 3: Must liquids be taken out of your bag at security at Schiphol?

A: Yes, that’s mandatory at airports. B: No, you can keep liquids in your bag at Schiphol. C: Yes, and you must put all liquids in your hold baggage.

Question 4: Can you take more than 100ml of baby food or formula?

A: Yes, if you’re travelling with a baby you can have baby food in your hand baggage. B: No, there are no exceptions to the liquids rule. C: You are only allowed to take dry food, such as milk powder.

Question 5: Can you take a bottle through security?

A: Yes, you can take several bottles in your bag. B: No, a drink bottle contains more than 100ml and is therefore not allowed. C: Yes, but your bottle must be empty at security.