News  ·  28 November 2023Driving extended engagement with out-of-home ads

In the world of out-of-home advertising, truly engaging your audience can be a challenge. Typically, we're talking about passersby who spare about 2 seconds for any given media display. However, in the campaign of Tenue de Soleil (a sustainable, B Corp-certified sun protection brand) this attention span was notably higher. They chose to advertise near the gates of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol – a spot where people tend to dwell. This location allows marketers to display their ads repeatedly, enhancing visibility to their audience and giving them enough time to engage or take action. The result? Minutes of quality engagement between brand and consumer.

Tenue de Soleil and Schiphol

Heading for the sun

Schiphol and Tenue de Soleil's partnership thrived on a shared audience. Many travellers at the airport are en route to sunny destinations, especially during the summer months. The campaign, which launched in early August, was entirely centred on sun protection education. It was designed not only to inform but to entertain, offering passengers a unique airport experience.

An exclusive digital journey

The collaboration between Schiphol and Tenue de Soleil was mutually beneficial. Those who occasionally travel by plane know all too well the search for entertainment while waiting at the gate. With this campaign, Schiphol offered an interactive solution for this. For Tenue de Soleil, their visibility built brand recognition, credibility, and positioned them as an industry leader. Together, they provided their shared audience with an enriching experience.

The journey began at the digital screens near the gate. Here, waiting passengers could scan a QR code with their phones. This QR code directed them to an online platform where dermatologist dr. Daniel Kadouch, founder of Tenue de Soleil, guided them through sun protection myths and truths. Engaging quizzes and videos overflowed with surprising facts. For instance, passengers learned that eating grapes can reduce sunburn risks, and that a mere 15 minutes in the sun is enough for vitamin D synthesis.

Infotainment with success

The campaign of Tenue de Soleil confirmed the success of QR codes at airport gates. In just one month, there were hundreds of scans, with an engagement rate of 71% and an average screen time of over 6 minutes. Compare that with regular out-of-home advertisements; it's rare for a target audience to spend so much time on an ad. Moreover, the gamification was not just entertaining but also educational. Consider it an innovative way of conducting commercial campaigns (due to the interaction), with the added benefit of a socially responsible angle (that is, the education about sun protection).

Schiphol as your advertising partner

The CTA ("scan the QR code") combined with the gamified approach of Tenue de Soleil ensured that this campaign's engagement duration significantly surpassed typical OOH ads. Such unique results are feasible primarily due to the location: travellers at airport gates have little to do other than to be essentially present for their flights - which creates bandwidth for such playful and innovative marketing.

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