News  ·  5 September 2023Measure, analyse, and optimise

Optimise your campaigns by adopting a data-driven approach to advertising - which goes beyond just age and gender, but takes into account comprehensive profiles.

Travellers looking at departure times

You want to spend your marketing budget wisely. Ideally, you'd utilise an environment with high contact frequency, where your audience repeatedly views your advertisements. Consider, for example, an airport. Here, good-humoured holidaymakers leisurely shop, business travellers quickly send their last emails, and passengers collectively wait at their gates or the baggage carousel. All the while, consciously or subconsciously, they take in the media objects around them. But as an advertiser, how do you make strategic use of this? Learn how Schiphol's effect measurements, data, and insights can help you make (creative) decisions.

What is your campaign objective?

Before you set up and roll out a campaign at the airport, you clearly map out your objectives. As always. Would you like to focus on greater brand awareness? Then you can use a wide set of touchpoints on the piers and create an appropriate share-of-voice there. If you want to generate interaction, the screens around the waiting locations are a likely place to advertise. Think, for instance, of gates or baggage carousels, where passengers stand or sit for a longer period. Should you rather stimulate sales, then the screens of the Digital Shopping Network in the terminals and lounges are of interest. That's where travellers are literally walking between shops.

Analyse the right data

Your campaign isn't (or is less solid) without research and the data that results from it. Depending on your objectives, you can use point-of-sale data and effect measurements at airports.

Point-of-sale data

All passengers who make a purchase after customs are asked to scan their flight ticket at the checkout. This is for tax-related reasons, but also results in transactional data. This gives you a view on expenditures, transactions, and capture rates, and allows you to base your sell campaigns on such insights. For example, you can adjust your media planning to airport-specific trends.

Tailor-made advertising

With insights from transactional data and effect measurements, you critically examine advertising spots, media objects, and creative output. This way, you can continuously optimise your advertisements and gradually work towards maximum exposure for your marketing budget. In combination with the high visitor numbers at the airport and a relatively long stay in the terminals, this can result in growth rates between 50% and 300%. Where you end up on this range depends on your objectives. For brands that are relatively rarely sold, you can quickly realise an uplift; but a small growth percentage can also generate considerable revenue for a well-known brand that already has large sales figures. In addition to driving sales and your growth in this area, your advertisements at the airport also generate brand awareness.

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