Royal Schiphol Group has an 19.61% stake in Brisbane Airport Corporation, the operator of Brisbane Airport. We are able to exert influence in various ways. These include the right to appoint members of the Board of Directors, as well as a veto right on key strategic and financial decisions. Our collaborative and exchange relationships with Brisbane Airport are also important.
Schiphol Group supported BAC to transform itself into one of the best airport operations in Australia.
From day one, Royal Schiphol Group provided senior and operational management, organised a sound governance structure and provided significant support to Brisbane Airport’s development with a strong international passenger business.
Brisbane has invested significantly in aviation infrastructure since its privatisation and achieved over A$550 million in EBITDA in FY18, significantly boosted by its international terminal activities and non-aviation revenue (property, parking and retail).
Royal Schiphol Group acquired a 35% stake in Hobart International Airport Pty Ltd (HIAPL) in Tasmania, Australia, on 1 November 2019. Schiphol has 2 positions on the Hobart Airport Supervisory Board and will be an active partner in knowledge sharing.
Royal Schiphol Group has a strategic partnership with Seoul Airport Incheon Airport. It focuses on the exchange of knowledge on strategic airport processes such as baggage systems, digital cargo flows and customer insights.
Royal Schiphol Group has a 'sister agreement' with Beijing Capital Airports Holding Company (CAH). CAH is the owner and operator of over 50 airports in China, including Beijing Capital International Airport and the recently opened Beijing Daxing International Airport. The sister agreement is aimed at sharing knowledge around various subjects, such as operations, innovation and commercial development.