Aviation Solutions Blogs

Airports face a complex challenge: how can they enhance the passenger experience, optimise operations, and minimise environmental impact? We believe technology plays a big part in achieving these goals. On this page, you’ll find team updates, new product releases, background stories, and anything we’re working on.

  • European Accessibility Act: impact on airports

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    What is the European Accessibility Act (EAA), how does it impact airport accessibility, and what should airports prioritise to comply with these regulations?

  • The Amsterdam Delay Allocation Method explained

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    Here’s how airports can improve delay insights by using already available data to get a deep understanding of the delay breakdown, enabling improvements.

  • Menzies’ 365 days with Deep Turnaround

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    Menzies Aviation shares their insights on how they transformed airport efficiency and communication with Schiphol's Deep Turnaround system over the past year.

  • Deep Turnaround featured on Future Airport

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    Future Airport's feature highlights Schiphol and Eindhoven Airport for their adoption of Deep Turnaround tech, revolutionizing airport operations.

  • Schiphol’s all new PRM call points

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    Explore Schiphol’s updated PRM call point, enhancing accessibility beyond regulations while improving experiences for PRM passengers.

  • TUI's Turnaround Tool success story

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    In aviation, even the smallest improvements can have a significant impact on the passenger’s journey. TUI has created an implemented the TUI Turnaround Tool.

  • Creating revenue opportunities at the terminal

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    Discover how Tijn Borms, Product Owner of Schiphol's Passenger Experience Platform, is redefining airport experiences and boosting revenue opportunities.

  • Increase CSAT scores and drive airport revenue

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    With this platform, airports can now improve the passenger experience and unlock commercial opportunities at the same time, says Tijn Borms

  • Increase NPS and passenger spend with itineraries

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    Personal itineraries for passengers help them get the most of your airport and opens operational and commercial opportunities.

  • Real time baggage insights with Deep Turnaround

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    Status of baggage is now available for passengers in the Schiphol app, based on artificial intelligence.

  • How do you optimise an airport process?

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    The turnaround process is a complex puzzle. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has identified this problem and created an innovative solution.

  • Schiphol featured in Passenger Terminal World

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    The article highlights Schiphol Group Aviation Solutions' innovative approach to enhancing the passenger experience & driving operational efficiencies.

  • Schiphol and Pangiam test AI in security process

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    Royal Schiphol Group has started a collaboration with security technology company Pangiam to develop a new way to screen hand baggage quickly and safely.

  • Aviation Solutions at Passenger Terminal Expo 2023

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    Schiphol will host a booth at the Passenger Terminal Expo. Join the live demo’s and interact with the latest airport solutions available to your airport.

  • Sjoerd Blüm joins Schiphol Aviation Solutions

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    Sjoerd Blüm has officially started at Schiphol Group Aviation Solutions. We couldn’t be more excited to have him on board and asked him a few questions.

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