Envision the airport of the future: Design contest

Do you know what the airport of the future will look like? Or have you got ideas about how flying can be done differently and better? Our design contest is a unique opportunity to share your vision with us! By participating, you also have a chance to win a guided tour at Schiphol. So grab your sketchbook, empty your box of Lego or log in to Minecraft and let your imagination run wild.

Airport of the future

We want to be the world’s most sustainable airport. And you can help. That’s why we’re challenging you to think about what the airport and aviation will look like in the future.

Perhaps you would like to design a whole new Schiphol, or maybe you want to focus on a part of our airport. Do you know the perfect way to handle baggage? Do you have a smart idea about how to process all the cargo that comes and goes from airport? Or have you thought about how we can offer passengers an even better start to their journey? Whatever it is, we’d love to hear from you!


To take part in this contest you must be no more than 12 years old. Please send in your entry by 1 October 2024 at the latest. You can send it to schipholambassadeurs@schiphol.nl. You should include the following in your email:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Photo(s) of or link to your design
  • A short explanation (max 500 words)

And the winner is…

We’ll announce the winner no later than 1 November 2024. We’ll invite them to Schiphol for a tour of the airport. You will also meet one of our own airport designers so that you can ask everything you ever wanted to know.

Schiphol Teaching pack

Schiphol collaborated with educational publishing house Zwijssen to create the ‘Kijk op Schiphol’ teaching pack (only available in Dutch). Over the course of four lessons, your teacher will bring the world of Schiphol into your classroom. You will learn everything you ever wanted to know about the airport with the help of fun videos and assignments on subjects like working at Schiphol, sustainability, and different cultures and languages.

Schiphol lespakket