For our young fansThe coolest facts about Schiphol


Impress your class with your knowledge of Schiphol

Do you have an oral presentation to give in class? That can be a bit nerve-racking! Don't worry, you have come to the right place. Everyone is bound to enjoy an oral presentation about flying. Most people love travelling, and think a huge aircraft taking off is something quite awesome. With the information you will find here you are sure to give a solid and enthusiastic presentation. Best of luck!

Did you know that...

There are loads of fun facts and trivia to share about Schiphol? For example, did you know that the first military aircraft landed at Schiphol on 19 September 1916? And that our national airport lies at the bottom of the former Haarlemmer lake, four metres below sea level? No? Then we can almost certainly tell you plenty more interesting stories about Schiphol that you don't already know.

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has its own fire brigade

To ensure optimum fire safety, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has its own fire brigade. Under normal circumstances, the airport's fire service can get to the scene of an aviation incident within three minutes of it being reported, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.