Hands-free communication doesn't stop at airside

Hands-free communication has become standard practice on our public roads. The government's nationwide ‘I drive in mono’ campaign aims to discourage the use of mobile devices (such as phones, tablets or media players) while driving.

However, the importance of safe driving habits obviously doesn't stop at the Schiphol entrance gate. We still look out for each other's safety at airside, so it's only logical that you keep your hands free for controlling your vehicle. As of 1 January 2020, we expect you to comply with this instruction and not drive while holding a mobile phone or disconnected hand-held device.

Hands on the wheel

Hands-free communication is a joint effort. Talk to your employer and colleagues to let them know you can't pick up the phone while driving, or park safely before answering a call. If you need a mobile radio unit or walkie-talkie as part of your job, make sure to use a hands-free kit and corded microphone. If you like to listen to music while you work, make sure to use earbuds at all times. As a rule of thumb: keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

Hands-free communication doesn't stop at airside

  • Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
  • Stick to your agreements with your employer.
  • Use a hands-free kit or connected hand-held device with a microphone.
  • Use earbuds if convenient or required.
  • If you don't have any of these items to hand and receive a call, ignore it and call back later.