Chief Financial OfficerRobert Carsouw

Robert Carsouw

'Schiphol is of great importance to the Dutch economy and to Dutch people who want to travel. I have flown a lot and visited many airports all over the world. In my experience, Schiphol is the most pleasant airport and the best. My ambition is to make sure that every traveller has this experience too. Schiphol and the entire travel industry are facing challenging times due to the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Money is – even more than before – a scarce resource. That means we need to carefully consider how we are going to use that money over the next few years. Despite all this, Schiphol continues to invest in quality, sustainability and capacity. I fully support that, and I am eager to help make these investments possible.'

Robert Carsouw


  • Finance

  • IT & Data

  • Procurement & Contracting

  • Risk & Audit

  • Schiphol Commercial

  • Schiphol International