For Schiphol, Eindhoven Airport and Rotterdam The Hague Airport: Highest ACI accreditation for sustainability

Great news for Schiphol, Eindhoven Airport and Rotterdam The Hague Airport. Industry association Airports Council International (ACI) has awarded the three airports the highest possible level for sustainability. And that's something we're very proud of.

Highest sustainability accreditation

Emission-free airports; that's our goal for 2030. We're working hard to achieve this objective, and our efforts have not gone unnoticed by ACI. The industry organisation has awarded ten airports worldwide the highest possible level for sustainability. And three of those are part of Royal Schiphol Group.

Lowering CO2 emissions

ACI uses a benchmark that provides insight into how and to what extent airports worldwide are reducing CO2 emissions from their own, ground-based operations. The organisation recently added a new, higher-level certificate: level 5. Airports awarded this certificate have not only reduced their CO2 emissions by 90% compared to 2010, but they have also achieved net-zero emissions. They also actively work together with other organisations to bring the emissions of the whole aviation sector and indirect emissions – such as from traffic to and from the airport – down to net zero.

Important milestone

This accreditation is a wonderful recognition of our efforts and an important milestone aligned with our ambition to be the most sustainable and high-quality airports in the world. But we are not done yet; we continue to work towards our goal of fully emission-free airports by 2030. We are doing that by further electrifying our ground material and that of our partners. In addition, we run entirely on Dutch wind power, and our terminal and buildings are gradually being taken off the gas grid.

Not there yet

In short: we are on the right track. However, we realise that we're not there yet and we still won't be even when our entire operation has been made more sustainable. That's why we are working with many other parties to make the entire aviation sector more sustainable. Our objective is a CO2-free sector by 2050.

More information

Would you like to find out more about what we are doing to make aviation more sustainable?

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