Schiphol Group achieves highest level (4+) in Airport Accreditation Programme for emission-free airports: Highest level on the way to becoming emission free

On 23 June, Schiphol achieved the highest level of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme (ACA) run by Airports Council International (ACI). ACA is the independent certification programme for airports that shows where they are in terms of reducing emissions. Eindhoven also reached level 4+ this year. Rotterdam The Hague Airport was given level 4+ accreditation last year.

Recognition for most ambitious sustainability goals

Schiphol Group reports on their emissions to the ACI every year. The ACI then assesses which level we are at. Schiphol was at level 3+ up until now, but this year we’ve reached the highest level of 4+. That’s partly because we now also indicate the exact steps we’ll be taking in the coming period to achieve zero emissions by 2030.

What is the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme?

The Airport Carbon Accreditation programme (ACA) independently assesses and recognises airports’ efforts to reduce their CO2 emissions according to six levels of certification: Mapping (1), Reduction (2), Optimisation (3), Neutrality (3+), Transformation (4) and Transition (4+). These levels show the stages at which airports are on their way to zero-emission operations. Airport Carbon Accreditation is the only airport-specific CO2 certification programme worldwide that is based on internationally recognised methodologies.

How do airports reduce their CO2 emissions?

Airports can tackle their CO2 emissions in various ways, including: improved insulation, green energy sources, electrification of vehicles and equipment, sustainable taxiing, encouraging alternative forms of transport to and from the airport, and much more. Airports can participate in the programme at one of the four main accreditation levels: 1. Mapping; 2. Reduction; 3. Optimisation; 4. Transformation. In addition, airports at levels 3 and 4 can choose to offset their residual emissions and thus achieve levels 3+ (Neutrality) and 4+ (Transition). Levels 4 and 4+ were introduced to the accreditation programme in 2020 in order to align with the Paris climate targets.

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