First hydrogen-powered flight from Rotterdam to London expected in 2024: Flying emission-free

Does flying emission-free in a hydrogen-powered plane seem like a distant prospect to you? It’s actually closer than you think! Together with ZeroAvia, Royal Schiphol Group and Rotterdam The Hague Airport are working hard so that the first zero-emission flights with hydrogen aircraft can depart from Rotterdam to London in 2024. You’ll have to be quick to buy a ticket when that day arrives – the hydrogen aircraft has space for 19 passengers.

Flying on hydrogen

To fly from Rotterdam to London on hydrogen, you’ll need an aircraft with special engines. ZeroAvia has developed an aircraft engine in which hydrogen fuel cells power electric motors. The only emission it produces is condensation. ZeroAvia's hydro-electric system is ground-breaking and, according to the developers, a viable way to make aviation more sustainable on a large scale. Another benefit of this technology is the lower cost associated with it, making flight routes more attractive to airlines, airports and passengers.

Living lab for refuelling with hydrogen

It’s exciting to think that in three years’ time you’ll be able to fly emission-free to the United Kingdom within an hour. To set up the commercial hydrogen flight route, the airport must offer the possibility of refuelling with hydrogen. And this has to be integrated with other airport operations. ZeroAvia and Schiphol Group are therefore not only focusing on flying, but also on the infrastructure and regulations surrounding hydrogen aircraft. A living lab with charging and refuelling infrastructure is being installed at Rotterdam The Hague Airport.

First international route

The hydrogen flight from Rotterdam to London may just be the world’s first international commercial route in a 19-seater hydrogen plane. ZeroAvia and Schiphol Group are holding advanced discussions with airlines to find an operator for the planned route. This is a great chance for the Dutch aviation sector to lead the way in sustainable and emission-free flight.

Want to know more about how flying can become cleaner and more sustainable? Take a look at (information in Dutch).

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