hero jaarverslag2023

Royal Schiphol Group

Annual Report 2023

Message from our CEO

Turning Point: quieter, cleaner, better

2023 has been the year of turnaround for Royal Schiphol Group on many fronts. Not only for travellers who once again could move swiftly from check-in to the gate thanks to sufficient security officers at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol but also for the thousands of employees who have experienced improved working conditions. We have also focused this year on our neighbours and the environment by intensifying our efforts to make Schiphol quieter, cleaner and better not only for today but for the years to come.

Schiphol in figures 2023

Our performance

Direct destinations from Schiphol

Decrease CO₂e emissions Schiphol

People that experienced noise disturbance at night

New security officers at Schiphol

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) at Schiphol

Underlying ROE

Our company

Royal Schiphol Group has an important socio-economic function. The airports in the Group create value for society and for the economy, with safety as a key enabler. Together with our international activities, Schiphol Group’s Dutch airports are part of our ‘Why’ of Connecting your world.

We invest in infrastructure and facilities across our airports to connect the world and to fulfill our ambition of creating the world’s most sustainable, high-quality airports. Our robust financial policy aims to safeguard the independent financing of our business, both today and in the future.

Our Vision 2050

The cornerstones of our Vision, the four Qualities - Quality of Network, Quality of Life, Quality of Work and Quality of Service - rest on a foundation of two key enablers: Safety first and a Robust organisation. Together, these fundamental pillars will guide our Group through the challenging period ahead.

Quality of Network

Strong international connections are essential for an open and globally connected economy such as the Netherlands.

Quality of Life

We acknowledge our responsibility to help ensure a sustainable future for aviation and we aim to safeguard the long-term well-being of people and the environment.

Quality of Work

Schiphol Group recognizes its responsibility for the quality of work, of its own workforce and the workforce of whole the value chain.

Quality of Service

Schiphol Group aims to provide its passengers and other customers with an unrivalled Quality of Service.

Safety first

Safety is Schiphol Group’s number one priority and one of two key enablers that support the four qualities of our Vision 2050.

Robust organisation

Schiphol Group’s robustness stems from our strong financial base, high ethical standards and solid organisational framework.

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