Emission free by 2030

Royal Schiphol Group is committed to ensuring that none of its Dutch airports will produce any emissions at all by 2030 – and that includes nitrogen emissions. Although we have already taken action in a wide range of areas, there is still a lot of work to be done if we are to achieve that goal. All ground traffic must be made emission free, both our own vehicles and those used by our partners.

What are we planning for the long term?

  • Making all non-aircraft traffic at ground level emission free. Vehicles will run on electricity or hydrogen, for example, including the pushback tractors that push aircraft away from the gate and pull them to the taxiway.
  • All the aircraft stands at the gate will be powered by Fixed Electrical Ground Power.
  • All the organisations concerned have agreed to pool their equipment. This means that multiple handling agents will use the same equipment, which reduces both the number of movements and the amount of equipment needed. We aim to continue and expand this policy in 2020/2021.