
Ebeline Dijkhuis

Partnership Marketer at Schiphol

What does it take to get travellers to choose a particular destination for business or leisure? And can those choices be influenced with the right campaign? Ebeline Dijkhuis, Partnership Marketer at Schiphol, knows they can. She works with travel and tourism bureaus and airlines to find ways to make sure the Netherlands gets its share of traveller traffic. And in the age of coronavirus, traveller sentiment is more important than ever.

Roos Bakker

Director of Business Development for Cargo

During the pandemic, when passenger airline flights declined significantly, cargo airlines stepped up to accommodate the worldwide demand for (medical) goods. Meaning Roos has been busier than ever the past few months. And she and the cargo team worked around the clock to make sure her partners got the full Schiphol experience.

Sophie Mosch

Route and Business Development (RBD)

The airline industry is facing unprecedented challenges. Passenger numbers have never been lower, and many airlines need to make tough decisions in order to stay afloat. But Sophie Mosch reminds airlines that the priorities before the pandemic will remain priorities after it. And that means exploring ways to make air travel more sustainable.

Maryan Brouwer

Program Manager Passenger Experience

Smooth, speedy and convenient airport operations are a crucial step to win the hearts of passengers. But it’s the little extras that makes them remember your airport. Maryan and her team are constantly searching for ways to make passengers smile. But as Maryan explains, the entire Schiphol community plays a crucial role in their success.

Marcel Lekkerkerk

Director Route and Business Development

When you think of Schiphol, you think Amsterdam. But Royal Schiphol Group expands way beyond the country’s borders. And, on the road to recovery from the coronavirus, global cooperation is more important than ever. We spoke to Marcel to discover how Schiphol is working on total industry recovery.

Joost Koning

Business Partner Airlines

The passenger experience begins long before a traveller boards an aircraft. And every step of that journey has an impact on a traveller’s opinion about that experience. Joost Koning, Business Partner Airlines, and his colleagues focus on making sure the passenger experience is as optimal as it can be.

Michael Arntzen

Head of Traffic Analysis and Forecasting

Michael and his team are responsible for collecting information from airlines and using their expertise to turn those numbers into key insights and scenarios for Schiphol. And now, they play an essential role in the road to recovery.

Wilco Sweijen

Director Route and Business Development

After more than 25 years in the aviation industry, Wilco Sweijen thought he’d seen it all. But the coronavirus pandemic is something we’ve never seen before. Wilco tells us what Route Development at Schiphol looks like during these times.