Pier upgrades

Since the introduction of central security at Schiphol a few years ago, security checks are no longer carried out at the gates. This freed up a lot of space on piers D through G. We used that extra space for an extensive upgrade. A wide range of comfortable seating areas and workspaces, modern sanitary facilities, more food and drink establishments and more shops has made travelling through our airport even more enjoyable. The piers were designed according to the open space concept, meaning lots of space and lots of light. With the finishing touch of natural stone walls contrasted by black, Schiphol is stepping into the future.

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What did we do?

The airport is currently quieter due to the coronavirus crisis, but 18.5 million passengers usually travel to destinations all over the world from piers D to G every year. By upgrading these piers and redesigning 81 gates, we’ve made sure that you have a comfortable spot to sit or work while you wait for your flight. A total area of 70,600 m2 has been transformed and there's an extra 1,700 m2 for new commercial outlets.

Facts & figures

Throughout this project we focused on comfort and on making the piers greener.

  • Two trees (for the experts: Ficus Lyrata) measuring 7 metres high were placed at the heart of Pier F.

  • At other locations we’ve also brought the outdoors inside by constructing two 70-metre green walls.

  • It goes without saying that such large walls contain lots of plants. 2,170 in one and 3,006 in the other, to be exact. In addition, more than 1,000 plants have been incorporated into the furniture on the piers.

  • Want to relax a while before your flight? You’ll be spoiled for choice when it comes to places to sit on the upgraded piers thanks to 750 new seats, 1.2 kilometres of new seat cushions and 600 metres of back cushions.

  • 3,500 m2 of terrazzo has been incorporated into the renovated piers, as well as 4,300 m2 of natural stone.