News  ·  20 September 2024Work resumed on stairs and escalators at Schiphol train station

Over the past two years, the stairs and escalators at Schiphol Airport station have been adjusted and the lifts have been renewed. This week, we are starting the final work on the covers over the escalators in the façade of Schiphol Plaza – at Jan Dallaertplein. This work will continue until mid-February.

The work is being carried out by BAM Infra on behalf of ProRail. The station will remain accessible for both passengers and staff during this period of works. A number of the stairwells to the platforms along the façade are closed, but all platforms remain easily accessible via the other escalators and stairs.

Over the past two years, stairs, moving walkways and lifts at Schiphol Plaza train station have been tackled. The ramps have been replaced by fixed stairs and the existing and new stairs have been widened. In addition, some escalators have been converted into double escalators. The existing lifts have been fitted with new glazing and fire doors, and a wall finishing has been applied so that there is a fire-resistant layer between the platform and Schiphol Plaza. These adjustments have created more free space on the platforms, allowing train passengers to board and alight the train more quickly and improving the flow of passengers on the platforms. The renovation is one of the steps to increase the accessibility of Schiphol as a multimodal hub.

gevelstijgdaalpunt (opt)