The Keukenhof: The Garden of Europe

On a clear spring day, you may spot a gorgeous sea of flowers as you’re flying into the Netherlands. Chances are that it’s the Keukenhof, a swathe of verdant parkland filled with crocuses, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and more. Why not take a look?

An abundance of flowers

The Keukenhof – also known as the ‘Garden of Europe’ – is located in the small town of Lisse, around half-way between Amsterdam and The Hague. The flowers come into full bloom from late March to mid-May. It’s Europe’s largest and most varied flower park, with plant shows, sculptural gardens and flower beds that cover thousands of square kilometres. The theme changes annually, so every year brings a fresh surprise.

See it for yourself

Go Dutch and see the Keukenhof by trusty bicycle! You can rent one at the Bike van Dam in the Keukenhof car park. If you fancy whiling away the hours on a boat instead, you can buy tickets for a boat trip at the windmill inside the park. It takes around 45-minutes.