Moving towards sustainable aviation

Royal Schiphol Group aims to operate the most sustainable airports in the world. You will continue to fly and discover the world, but in a responsible and sustainable way.

A way in which we do not put extra pressure on the planet, but add value to it instead. One example of how we want to do this is by producing more green energy than we actually need. The surplus energy will go to other users.

We know that aviation has to become more sustainable and we are confident that it’s possible. After all, Schiphol has been making the airport more sustainable for many years. We have already achieved a great deal and we will be doing a lot more over the coming years.

Plans, results and more information


    Schiphol leads European collaboration to accelerate the process of making airports and aviation more sustainable.

  • The Future Case

    Where can you see sustainability at Schiphol? And what else are we going to do?

  • F&B strategy

    Find out about the steps we are taking together with our partners to offer an increasingly sustainable Food & Beverage experience.